'Wake me up when September comes' - It's October I overslept.

 October 6th, 2020 A.C. (after Corona)

I've been trying lots of 'spiritual tips' on line to improve myself  (after all I've finished Netflix). So I woke up this morning hoping to feel the positivity I was meditating on when I fell asleep, but all I could feel was my full bladder. 

I got out of bed early to call a mate and had an hour long chat on the phone, I actually used my phone to talk instead of typing some text that corrects itself, even the phones are into self improvement. It was a good chat 'man to man' - if that's not sexist, if it is forgive me it was still early I wasn't quite woke.

The original plan was to get to the supermarket early, but I received a mail from U.P.S. saying my package would be delivered today so I had to wait. I don't usually order stuff on line, but I needed new underpants and pyjamas so I bit the bullet. So now I'm a climate change traitor, screwing the planet for the sake of nice new pants without rips and stains. 

While I was waiting for the delivery I watched some inspirational speakers on you tube, some of whom are dead, loads of byte sized wisdom that would fit on an index card or banner. Felt really buzzed and up for the new me, looking in the mirror I could use one.

Eventually the boxer shorts and PJ's arrived, if I get Covid 19 now I can go to intensive care in style, one less worry. 

Had an Avocado for lunch, smashed up with some black pepper, salt and olive oil, I think it's healthy, I swilled it down with some warm water with fresh ginger in it, call it tea, my (ex) yoga teacher does.

Going to the Supermarket around lunchtime wasn't my best plan, too many young school kids spending their lunch money on sugary drinks and crisps, how do they stay so thin? They were all waiting in line with their coins at the cashier till, so I checked out at the self scanning one, so now today I have not only ruined the planet with my UPS delivery, I've also put a supermarket cashier on the unemployment heap, a right little Tory aren't I - I feel shame, but got out of the shop quick, my mask felt suffocating. 

On the way home I popped into the stationary shop to buy some index cards and a whiteboard and small magnets, my life will be inspirational when I hang the whiteboard above my desk. 

Put the whiteboard up and wrote my first note to self 'Life is a stream of experiences', I can't remember the guru's name who said that but he won't mind, the 'self' and 'ego' aren't as important as the message after all. 

Mid afternoon I sat at my desk and recorded my daily podcast which has been going for four years and has a following, it's always unprepared, spontaneous, stream of consciousness, 15' minutes of me ranting, my mate says he listens to every podcast when he goes to bed and he never gets past minute 12 before he falls asleep, is that a compliment? 

This evening I didn't watch the news, I've had enough of the Corona infection rates that just won't go down and the latest instalment of the Donald Trump shit show. since Corona has become a major celebrity there doesn't seem to be any news from Syria (or other places that export refugees to Calais). Most of the news this last week has been about financial implications of Corona, Trump and freak weather conditions, and yet we still don't get the message and keep ordering stuff on line that can easily be bought on the high street.

No Netflix either instead we watched the film 'Youth' with Michael Cane, Harvey Keitel and a host of actors that smashed their roles, what a great film, I even shed a tear... 

'ALL WE HAVE IS EMOTIONS' (Harvey Keitel in Youth) 




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