Attention seeking.

Yesterday I was really looking forward to our gig in Tallin, Louis Zezeran is a great organiser and always gets the crowds out.
It was a full house again(!) and although my nose was blocked and my head feels like a snot factory I felt good and 'comedy hyped'. The first half went well with Stewart Johnson starting then two local comedians who really rocked.
Then the second half, I saw and heard a 'warning light' when the young Estonian Comedian had to tell some people to shut up during her set.
After Louis' set it was on me as headliner, the first 15 min went well and the crowd were up for it, then this girl (sort of attention seeking selfie bitch) just started loudly talking, not heckling, just talking to her boyfriend who was really embarrassed by her 'look at me' attitude.
I told her a few times to shut the fuck up, made some jokes about it, advised her boyfriend to stay single etc etc -- the traditional way that usually works, but this girl would just not shut her cake hole. So I tried to ignore her but it just got louder, the audience shouted at her ,still no stopping the "me me me" lady.
So I took my tone to her to a different level, the destroy and maim level haha, which ended in me squirting water over her (to the applause of her boyfriend btw), the room fell in to stunned silence, but I managed to get 'em back on track and finish the show.
After the show at least 6 people came and thanked me for slamming the loud mouth, I felt a bit bad, but you can't let the one spoil it for all, and it's impossible to concentrate when people near the stage are yapping loudly.
Maybe I should have used more self control, maybe I shouldn't have thrown water, but hey I'm a psychopath haha.
We now take the boat to Helsinki and do it all over again without the 'selfie shower' hopefully. :-)


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