Lazy Sunday and Home.
After last weeks comedy tour - 3 countries ,Five Days ,four towns - it’s time to take a rest, and you don’t need to be religious to consider Sunday as a good day to do that.
We all need a ‘home’ even if it’s not your birthplace, a ‘home’ it’s somewhere where you are safe and able to be yourself, so today I’m a ‘sloth’ in tracksuit slippers and unwashed. Listening to some great music on BBC Radio 6 (THE radio station for all good music btw- thanks internet) .
Thinking of how good it feels to be home with all my stuff and loved ones around me I can’t imagine how it must be for the majority of refugees who had to leave it all behind in a war zone because of some religious nut jobs and foreign interference, poor them. Everywhere we were on our tour ‘The Rufugees’ were a main talking point, the few religious or/and macho men among the refugees who are causing a backlash against all migrants. The biggest fear seems to be the increasing influence of Islam as a repressive religion, people are afraid of an Islam forcing us to accept their values while they have no respect for ours. None of us wants to live in a country where religious nut,jobs say what others can do,say, wear ,have relationships with etc etc etc.
It’s a debate that will rage in all it’s right and wrong concepts and perceptions for years to come. Left and Right have dug their trenches and won’t be leaving them soon.
Maybe it’s a good time to re-evaluatte what ‘our values’ actually are. what are our ‘values’? Freedom from religious influence? Yeah it would be great to debate that. Freedom from oppression great debate (if we include the oppression we face from media and corporate greed).
If we have the debate then the whole migrant question could be the next step in our evolutionary fight for more and more control over our individual destiny,
just saying.
Next week starts tomorrow with a hospital visit, colon cancer tests show I need a Colonscopy. tests said I have a 1/10 chance of developing Colon Cancer, so tomorrow I get a camera pushed up my arse to check out my own personal ‘deep space 9’ , by this time tomorrow I’ll be awake and getting my results, whatever they are, they will be what they are. We can only control what we can control, all the rest includes an element of luck - good and bad, whatever the results are I bet I get ten minutes of good Comedy out of it.
My personal view has always been, ‘life is a short existence, live it, enjoy it and get out of it as painless as possible- and whatever happens realize you are not the only one going through it, for lots of other humans it’s much much worse’ . As Bill Hicks said “it’s just a ride” .
Health wise I feel great, so I do not expect any bad news.
Looking forward to the next gigs, you can check them out on the website Have lazy Sunday! you deserve it.
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