November 6th, results of the midterms not yet in. Try telling twitter.
I’m getting off social media as a cure. The continual stream of bullshit is unfathomable, the only good thing to be said about the whole thing is that social media keeps some of the worst maniacs off the street. What did all these nut jobs do before social media? How did they express themselves then? Are these the people that would otherwise be into wife(or husband) beating? Child abuse ? or have we created a whole new sort of human? a sort of social media superman/superwoman -meek mannered off the keyboard but an abuse wielding warrior once the cursor flickers. If so I wish I knew what their kryptonite is, could it be satire? irony? I doubt it ,but we can try. I’ve tried sending love letters to trolls, blowing them cyber kisses, none of it works, they just go on and on and on, well at least they’re not breeding (let us hope). So it’s bye bye Twitter and Facebook and Instagram. Fuxk it all, stop the madness. Let’s make humans great again.