Write! Right?

So I'd better not mention Erdogans name on this blog or it might spoil my holiday in Turkey. Erdogan is the embodiment of political leaders we thought were long gone, ok Putin comes pretty close, and the Korean with the funny haircut is a blast but Erdogan is dangerous, why? because the leaders here in the west are sucking his dick and bending over for him because they want him to help with the refugees and the conflict in Syria. Suddenly I'm really glad to be living in 'the west', not because of our politics and our international meddling and fucking up of other countries, but simply for the fact that I can insult and swear at any leader I want without having to fear death or imprisonment. Ok some local lord mayor or politician might -back stabbingly- try to get a show cancelled in a village hall ,but that's it, nobody dies. So better choose another holiday destination then. Allies, that's a funny name for the musical chairs I've witnessed in my life, ...