
Showing posts from April, 2016

Write! Right?

So I'd better not mention Erdogans name on this blog or it might spoil my holiday in Turkey. Erdogan is the embodiment of political leaders we thought were long gone, ok Putin comes pretty close, and the Korean with the funny haircut is a blast but Erdogan is dangerous, why? because the leaders here in the west are sucking his dick and bending over for him because they want him to help with the refugees and the conflict in Syria. Suddenly I'm really glad to be living in 'the west', not because of our politics and our international meddling and fucking up of other countries, but simply for the fact that I can insult and swear at any leader I want without having to fear death or imprisonment. Ok some local lord mayor or politician might -back stabbingly- try to get a show cancelled in a village hall ,but that's it, nobody dies. So better choose another holiday destination then. Allies, that's a funny name for the musical chairs I've witnessed in my life, ...

I was just thinking......

The retirement age is increasing ,every time I watch the news it seems the age gets higher and higher. At retirement age people used to be given a clock or a watch as a gift by the employers, now you are so old when you retire -you don't have that much time left so you get a stopwatch- "happy retirement your time starts now!" I'm not total vegetarian, I'd say about roughly two third vegetarian you know, 'meat and two veg' sort of person. Being white and anti racist it's hard- we have to listen to all the shit racists don't dare say to migrants. I go to the Ardennes on holiday there is hardly any network coverage for my cell phone! then I see migrants getting off boats when they arrive in Europe and they're phoning home!!!!! We might not need their culture but we do need their network providers. One heart failure death and ten reanimations at this years ten miles event in Antwerp - Start to run isn't a health programme it's mor...


It's easy to see why ancient people worshipped the sun, it makes us feel alive, it creates life and makes us friggin' happy. What do we get from other gods? Madness - and the hope of of better afterlife -maybe. I love traffic updates on the radio - "just letting you know why you're stuck watching your life drain away on the motorway today" They say crime is going down in Antwerp, three weeks after they arrested four cops for extortion and violence, ………….. But the sun is out and that makes everything better, except now we have the 'what to wear' crisis!!! Too early for shorts, sunglasses a must, and trying to hold the gut in- quicker than a diet and good for the stomach muscles. The sun is only great when you live in a country where it's mostly 'grey and rain', then the sun can be welcomed like a liberation army. In hot countries the sun is like a dictator that gives people a shit life and skin cancer. A few more months and we can all...

Thoughts of the day. 18th of April.

When I was young- now and again I’d see white dog shit on the street, you never see that anymore,has dog shit become more PC?  When they want to be elected Politicians are our best friends and they tell us about all the nice things they want to do for us, so we vote for them and elect them and they become our worst enemies, and do lots of shit that harms us and future generations, who are these psychopaths? and how can we tell them apart from other babies at birth? or even before birth and abort them.  Everyday we pass hundreds of people, at work,in cars ,on foot ,on the bus ,while cycling and in line at supermarkets, who are they? Let’s just hope that most of them have had a good day and are not contemplating a messy suicide anywhere near us.  The internet has become a room where millions of people gather to attract attention to themselves, byte size friendships for byte size egos.  So, what do I do to relax? I take a ‘giving a fuck’ time-out. E...

Right, righter, righteous

Language is considered the greatest gift of us homo sapi-apes, because of it we teach, exchange truths (and lies) make relationships, exchange experiences and can use it to avoid violence. But if language is so important, which nobody will deny , then listening and the ability to hear what people are trying to say instead of the actual words coming from their mouths must also be on a par. But do we listen? or do we just hear what we want to hear? After all it's tiring to have to adjust your point of view because the counter argument is made with 'truths' you hear for the first time. Most of us form views about everything from terrorism to tennis, politics to pop music and we make a personal 'view' on the argument at hand and that becomes our 'thoughts' on the subject, although never written in stone once these 'thoughts' are formed we, generally speaking, look for evidence that we are right. Is it not so that this is how we listen to others? Try to ...

Bricks in the Wall

Education, tailored for kids of the rich. Get 'em together, teach 'em how to snitch. The feeling of privilege taking the reins No blue or red just black in the veins. Let 'em have it boredom is their thing. Kick down their doors ,don't knock or ring.

For a Few Dollars More.

It never ends-terrorist attacks, panama papers, war, corruption...... We sometimes forget that there is also good news, good news -all that stuff that never gets reported because it doesn't sell newspapers or get TV ratings up up and away. Even when the bombs hit Brussels two weeks ago there was -during those horrific attacks - good news going on, all the people who spontaneously helped in whatever way they could - the soldiers/medics/police and ordinary people who rushed to the help of fellow humans in need. These people get less press than the psychopathic lunatics that launched the attack, but they are just as important if not more. Humans would have never have made it this far in history without the help we give each other in times of need, we weren't the strongest of all living things, if we wanted to survive we had to learn to work together, singularly we were the weakest, collectively the strongest, and that is what awakens in our instinct when it comes to survival.  ...


I talk about racism with my other white friends. We know it's bad but not how it feels. After an appearance at a benefit for refugees, I lay in the sun ,in my garden, to relax,solidarity is tiring. I know I shouldn't ,but sometimes I look suspiciously at people I don't know. The best moments never involve too many people, always just enough for the occasion. When I was young from about age eleven, I used to love going on long walks. I always took the back roads, the country lanes. Our council estate was at the edge of town, urban chaos on one side, green fields and endless hedgerows on the other. I would walk to Thornbury, a 24 km round trip,first task, try to find a stick, a boy on a walk needs a stick, a stick used to be anything then in the days of fertile imagination. Those were probably the best moments of my youth, to get out, get away ,walk and daydream. It must have been then that I also realized that solitude is a good companion a friend to be seeked ou...