For a Few Dollars More.
It never ends-terrorist attacks, panama papers, war, corruption...... We sometimes forget that there is also good news, good news -all that stuff that never gets reported because it doesn't sell newspapers or get TV ratings up up and away.
Even when the bombs hit Brussels two weeks ago there was -during those horrific attacks - good news going on, all the people who spontaneously helped in whatever way they could - the soldiers/medics/police and ordinary people who rushed to the help of fellow humans in need. These people get less press than the psychopathic lunatics that launched the attack, but they are just as important if not more.
Humans would have never have made it this far in history without the help we give each other in times of need, we weren't the strongest of all living things, if we wanted to survive we had to learn to work together, singularly we were the weakest, collectively the strongest, and that is what awakens in our instinct when it comes to survival.
It's good to know that not all people will just 'walk past' when you are in need, it's the solidarity we need to survive, we humans survive together on this planet or we disappear together.
Solidarity with other humans , togetherness, not so trendy in this brave new world where endless wealth and gluttony seem to have taken over.
I feel sorry for the super rich, people so rich they and their grandchildren will never spend all the riches they accumulate, and yet a lot of them still only want more and more and more, what a sad way to spend that one life any of us are sure of on this rock in space. Avoiding tax to get a few golden nuggets more be it through a bank in Panama or other tax havens, may be legal but its morally wrong. Unwillingness to pay a fair share of tax in your country of residence means you have lost the feeling of 'belonging', community and solidarity, they are the few that will never have enough. It must be a lonely superficial world they live in, not to be envied. As all of us they too will die one day, I wonder what their dying thoughts will be?
Even when the bombs hit Brussels two weeks ago there was -during those horrific attacks - good news going on, all the people who spontaneously helped in whatever way they could - the soldiers/medics/police and ordinary people who rushed to the help of fellow humans in need. These people get less press than the psychopathic lunatics that launched the attack, but they are just as important if not more.
Humans would have never have made it this far in history without the help we give each other in times of need, we weren't the strongest of all living things, if we wanted to survive we had to learn to work together, singularly we were the weakest, collectively the strongest, and that is what awakens in our instinct when it comes to survival.
It's good to know that not all people will just 'walk past' when you are in need, it's the solidarity we need to survive, we humans survive together on this planet or we disappear together.
Solidarity with other humans , togetherness, not so trendy in this brave new world where endless wealth and gluttony seem to have taken over.
I feel sorry for the super rich, people so rich they and their grandchildren will never spend all the riches they accumulate, and yet a lot of them still only want more and more and more, what a sad way to spend that one life any of us are sure of on this rock in space. Avoiding tax to get a few golden nuggets more be it through a bank in Panama or other tax havens, may be legal but its morally wrong. Unwillingness to pay a fair share of tax in your country of residence means you have lost the feeling of 'belonging', community and solidarity, they are the few that will never have enough. It must be a lonely superficial world they live in, not to be envied. As all of us they too will die one day, I wonder what their dying thoughts will be?
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