Thoughts of the day. 18th of April.
When I was young- now and again I’d see white dog shit on the street, you never see that anymore,has dog shit become more PC?
When they want to be elected Politicians are our best friends and they tell us about all the nice things they want to do for us, so we vote for them and elect them and they become our worst enemies, and do lots of shit that harms us and future generations, who are these psychopaths? and how can we tell them apart from other babies at birth? or even before birth and abort them.
Everyday we pass hundreds of people, at work,in cars ,on foot ,on the bus ,while cycling and in line at supermarkets, who are they? Let’s just hope that most of them have had a good day and are not contemplating a messy suicide anywhere near us.
The internet has become a room where millions of people gather to attract attention to themselves, byte size friendships for byte size egos.
So, what do I do to relax? I take a ‘giving a fuck’ time-out.
Every morning I eat porridge, every friggin’ morning - does it help? I don’t know, I’d have to change my diet to find out.
I can’t remember having to ‘re-hydrate’ when I was young, we were out playing football most of the free time, running around sweating not one of us rehydrating, is that why we are now old?
The saddest thing I’ve seen is a teenager having to drink energy drinks to get to school in the morning, I never thought opening daddies car door could be so tiring.
Who chooses the news? Every night ‘The News’ is the same length, how can that be? Is there a set amount of things that are allowed to happen each
I wonder if anyones’ last words have been , “I wish I’d tweeted more” .
When we die , people talk about who they thought we were, we become a myth, that is our fate.
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