Write! Right?

So I'd better not mention Erdogans name on this blog or it might spoil my holiday in Turkey.
Erdogan is the embodiment of political leaders we thought were long gone, ok Putin comes pretty close, and the Korean with the funny haircut is a blast but Erdogan is dangerous, why? because the leaders here in the west are sucking his dick and bending over for him because they want him to help with the refugees and the conflict in Syria.
Suddenly I'm really glad to be living in 'the west', not because of our politics and our international meddling and fucking up of other countries, but simply for the fact that I can insult and swear at any leader I want without having to fear death or imprisonment. Ok some local lord mayor or politician might -back stabbingly- try to get a show cancelled in a village hall ,but that's it, nobody dies.

So better choose another holiday destination then.
Allies, that's a funny name for the musical chairs I've witnessed in my life, but that's what it is, todays allies can be tomorrows enemies and it has all nothing to do with human rights, being nice or 'jolly good people' it's all just to do with geo-politics and that's another name for "what's in our best (economic) interests?". The hypocrisy is so blatant I don't even have to explain it.
Israel shooting Palestinians like rabbits is not such a problem for us as a Palestinian stabbing and killing even one Israeli, not saying I excuse the Palestinian terrorist, but just look at the 'scoresheet' and you'll see what I mean. It's probably the fact that we trust Jews more than Moslims, that's a Seventy year change around of perspective there for ya.

Who would have thought 70 years ago that Germany would be political leaders in europe? and even more so protectors of migrants and refugees, wow! change happens. It just goes to show, that nothing ,but nothing in international politics is written in stone, who knows, maybe within the next 70 years the Taliban will be sitting on the U.N. committee of human rights (Saudi Arabia does now so hey!) and maybe IS will be organising the olympic games, who knows- as long as the rich and the powerful on this rock in the universe get to earn a buck more- who knows who they'll tell us are the good guys.

'Cos that's what happens right? they tell us through (their) media outlets who the good and the bad are, and mainly we follow their lead. That's what media and propaganda is all about, I think it was Ho Chi Minh who said "propaganda is like throwing shit at a wall, do it enough and some of it will stick". That's why you hear politicians repeating the same shit on TV because that want that shit to stick. And hey it does, how else can we explain the fact that we continually vote and elect the dickheads that rip us off, we vote for them even when we know they will rip us off, politics is the biggest con trick ever, run by psychopaths for psychopaths and we -the sheeple- are too tired and too busy to see what's happening.


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